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Installation Instructions For Office 365

21 Dec 2022



★ STEP:1 ★

Uninstall Your Previously Installed Office 2016/2019/2021 even Office 365 ( If Previously Installed )


★ STEP:2 ★

And Enter Your ID and Password Received from Us.




★ STEP:3 ★



Make sure you have logged in with the ID we provided, Do not log in with your own email.


★ STEP:4 ★




Click on “Office 365 Apps” If you don’t find this Option Make sure you have logged in with the ID we provided, Do not log in with your own email.


★ STEP:5 ★



★ STEP:6 ★

After Downloading Installation file – Double click on it – File will start Installing Office 365 Apps in your pc. Please note Stay connected with Internet You will need 2 GB Internet data for successful Installation. 


★ STEP:6 ★

After Downloading Installation file – Double click on it – File will start Installing Office 365 Apps in your pc. Please note Stay connected with Internet You will need 2 GB Internet data for successful Installation. 


To Download Android Office 365 App Click on The Icon

To Download iOS Office 365 App Click on The Icon


